Schenkeveld about the IIVO feature; Weather Forecast


Schenkeveld is a family business and that is feelable in all the locations where they operate. It is a close-knit and everyone is equally important. Together they work on optimization and growth. Schenkeveld, located in the Westland region and at Schiphol Airport, is committed to a stable future, where employees can grow and improve. With passion for horticulture and responsibility for the environment. Schenkeveld is known for growing perfect quality tomatoes that have the same reliable taste all year round.

To ensure the quality of their tomatoes, they focus on sustainability. It is something Schenkeveld is constantly working on. They use raw materials sparingly, such as energy. For example; they generate electricity by means of gas turbine engines. This releases CO2 and heat. In fact, almost everything is used to grow their tomatoes. You can say; It’s summer all year round in their greenhouses.



360 Degree View
We have spoken to Leon van der Zalm, grower at Schenkeveld, and asked him if he could tell us a bit more about their organization and how Weather Forecast supports Schenkeveld in growing their tomatoes.. “In my profession as a grower it is important to evaluate on the past, even more important is to look ahead. Not only for optimization purposes, but also for my own convenience.”

With the help of Weather Forecast, that is integrated into our new IIVO system, Leon is having the radiation sum checked to adjust the greenhouse temperature. “If the radiation sum becomes high, we will also have to increase the 24-hour temperature for moisture regulation in the greenhouse.” Leon is convinced that only then will the plant adequately distribute the energy in the form of radiation.


“It is well known that photosynthetic activity increases when radiation increases. Now, if the radiation sum is high, then the average 24-hour temperature must also increase proportionally to improve photosynthetic efficiency. This is also the belief of the growers of Schenkeveld”, Leon adds.

The integrated Weather Forecast capabilities are based on the specific GPS coordinates of their greenhouse. IIVO uses both real-time and predicted climate conditions to create the most optimum growth climate. This allows them to maintain a more consistent climate, which will result in stronger and happier plants.


 Schenkeveld Schiphol, Rijsenhout


Obtain knowledge through our e-learnings
Growers can get acquainted with the controlling possibilities using Weather Forecast or any other e-learning on Hoogendoorn Online. Our platform, that we designed for our customers and partners, is to obtain knowledge about how to easily connect to their smart online tools at their convenience to manage their greenhouse. We are very enthusiastic about this feature in our IIVO system, but more important is that our customers are satisfied as well.

We offer a wide variety of e-learnings to train our Hoogendoorn customers so they can put these into good practice. An additional advantage to this service is that we have our own specialists that make these e-learnings themselves.

Have we triggered you to use Weather Forecast or maybe other e-learnings of Hoogendoorn? If so, we would be happy to tell you all about it.