Hoogendoorn member of Association for Vertical Farming (AVF)

Hoogendoorn member of Association for Vertical Farming (AVF)

Since last week Hoogendoorn Growth Management is a member of the Association for Vertical Farming (AVF). The AVF is a nonprofit organization that focusses on leading and advancing the sustainable growth and development of the vertical farming movement. By raising awareness and connecting stakeholders they aim to advance the implementation of vertical farming. They do so because they believe vertical farming provides a way of growing fresh, safe, and sufficient food for the growing world population, independent of climate and location. This way the AVF wants to provide a solution in global food production.

Hoogendoorn is proud to be member of an organization that plays such an important role in the indoor farming industry. Within the AVF Hoogendoorn offers growers worldwide high quality automation solutions, so they can create an optimum growth climate for their plants. We strive to achieve this by perfecting the balance between technology, genetics, and biology. With our automation solutions we allow growers to manage greenhouse climate, irrigation and energy provision to maximum efficiency. Hoogendoorn area sales manager Luis Trujillo summarizes it as follows: “Hoogendoorn wants to support the Vertical Farming market by sharing knowledge, building strong networks, and delivering sustainable, innovative and effective solutions. The only way of taking Vertical Faming to the next level is by using the appropriate technology.”

An example of a vertical farming project that Hoogendoorn is automating, is Jungle Greens in Portugal. This company is growing herbs and microgreens in a vertical farm. Click here to read more about Jungle Greens.

For more information about the Association for Vertical Farming, visit the AVF website: https://vertical-farming.net/