Dukker Tomatoes


"Work-IT is indispensable in our company for labor registration, performance control and quality control. Our employees are motivated by the use of the system."

Ruud and Aad Dukker, owners of the tomato greenhouse Dukker in Tinte, are one of the longest users of Work-IT. The brothers grew up between the tomatoes and took over the business from their father in 1985. In the meantime, the family business has grown from 4 to 18 hectares, divided over 5 locations. For several years they work with the management information system Work-IT for several years. According to Ruud Work-IT is nowadays indispensable in the company: “All employees use the system, and they can work with it in their own language.”

The most important aspects of Work-IT for Ruud are labor registration, quality control and performance monitoring. “We were very excited about the possibilities of Work-IT and the direct link with practice.” With enthusiastic teams and a manager per location, the aim is to produce the best products. “Our employees are motivated with the use of the system. They know they are being monitored and therefore want to perform.” Ruud uses the hours as registered in Work-IT for his financial monthly reports. “Work-IT has made it easier for me and saves me quite some time.”

Recently the tomato growers also have started with the Work-IT planning program. Here, the work to be performed can be scheduled on weekly and daily basis. “Currently, we are still in the exploratory stage, but we hope soon to get started. Then Work-IT is reflected in all facets of our business”, says Ruud Dukker.


Company name
Dukker Tomatoes

Ruud and Aad Dukker


Greenhouse size
18 ha

Tinte, the Netherlands


Motivated employees, labor registration, quality control and performance monitoring