Kevin Kleijwegt - Project Engineer

Ever since I can remember, my father has worked with Hoogendoorn climate computers. As a result, I often joined his shifts at the weekends, which brought me into contact with Hoogendoorn. During the search for an internship for my studies, the choice was easy to make. So I joined Hoogendoorn and never left!

The variety in terms of work and colleagues makes my job the most fun. Due to a combination of projects (abroad), developments of the partner platform, the quotation tool and my hardware work, no two weeks are ever the same. In addition, there is a wealth of experience from which I have been able to learn a lot over the past few years and still develop myself further every week.

Hoogendoorn is an approachable organisation where you spend a lot of time with your direct colleagues. There is a lot of trust from the management and you can shape your projects in your own way. For some, this is more from home, for others more on location. That freedom makes it great fun. If you run into something, there is always someone around and you always have backing from the team.

Although people of all ages work within Hoogendoorn, our staff association provides a nice mix of staff outings, examples are "old-fashioned" bowling for everyone and parties such as Oktoberfest for the younger guard. A number of colleagues are also old acquaintances from high school, so you run into each other at 'Westlandse' party weeks. It is also nice to see other colleagues connecting to have a beer together outside working hours.

I am most proud on the smile on the face of a customer after a new IIVO installation. Especially with the product of the grower's cultivation under your arm.

In addition, feedback from colleagues and partners on, for example, the quotation tool and the PartnerWiki. Being convinced of an idea yourself is one thing, but it only comes to life when other people share that opinion.

Something colleagues may not know about me is that I am currently taking a Spanish course! Although I don't have a talent for speaking other languages naturally, I do enjoy being able to speak several languages. In the end, anything is possible as long as you put enough time into it.